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What others say about their experiences with Shari…


“I have known you for many years as your company, E-Rate Exchange, handles my school district’s E-Rate applications.   I remember meeting you when we hired your company,    I was very impressed with you in particular because you really grasped how E-Rate works.  I appreciated that you saw an opportunity to create a business that  helps guide others through the protracted E-Rate application process.   I can tell you from a public school’s perspective that handling the application and – especially – the follow-though process of E-Rate is a time-consuming and time-sensitive effort;.  While the end result can be good, the process is difficult.     It has probably been at least ten years, and we are still using E-Rate Exchange.  You continue to do an excellent job.

I went on your website, and was impressed to see all you have accomplished and offer through this company.    My question as I browsed  was, “How does she manage more than one company?” I wondered how, with such a complicated business, you could then pursue other business avenues. Then as I read some of the information on the  website, I began to see how you have used the tools described there in your own life; especially empowering others. This must involve training others and trusting them to perform their professional best for the betterment of the company.  this not only benefits the company but also the employee.  Now I begin to see how you can truly create a win-win situation for yourself, your employees and your businesses! And I’m sure that’s only the tip of the iceberg!

Thank you, Shari, for inspiring me to reach a little further in my own life!  

Victoria Marrin
Office of the Assistant Superintendent for Business
Ossining Union Free School District


“I am an adjunct professor of English and Communications at both Onondaga Community College, and Morrisville State College. I taught high school for 12 years,
with the goal of eventually teaching at the college level. Three years ago, I had the opportunity to start teaching at OCC, and I love it. But going from a full time job to an adjuncting position was a huge pay cut, so I really wanted to move the position from part time to full time. I just didn’t really have any idea how to get that process started.

That’s where Shari at DOSH Management came in. Shari and I worked together to help me figure out exactly what I wanted out of my career. I realized that the connection with my students was what was most important to me. And a greater connection with the college campus in general was the best way for me to work on getting a full time position. The most beneficial part of the coaching for me was having to check in with someone on a weekly basis. It motivated me to make a to-do list, then actually achieve the things on my list! There was a true sense of accomplishment when I was able to go back to Shari and tell her all of the steps I had taken to further my career in a one week or one month span, instead of making excuses about why I couldn’t possible find the time to accomplish those tasks.

I have already recommended Shari at DOSH Management to a friend attempting to re-enter the job market after children. Shari takes the time to get to know the individual so that she can accurately assist them on their true career path. It is a revelationary experience that allowed me to get a better idea of exactly what I want!

I am moving confidently in the direction of a full time position, and I am now even more
motivated to get involved and work toward my ultimate goal. And I can guarantee that I will be contacting Shari again for the next step in my career. It has been a great experience.”

Carolyn Bice
Professor of English and Communications – OCC & Morrisville State College

“Shari knows business and is able to use her knowledge to positively impact your bottom line! She helped my company and I am thrilled! Shari commits 110% of herself to every project. She becomes part of your team. Don’t be surprised if you receive late night and weekend text messages containing a solution to a problem you’ve been trying to solve. We had a great experience and I highly recommend Shari to any business that wants to grow, become more efficient, or work through a difficult problem.” 

Brian Bluff
President & Co-Founder, Site-Seeker, Inc.

“Shari is an inspiration and a motivation. She has encouraged and supported me through many changes, both personal and professional. Her hard work and dedication inspires me to want to strive for a better, brighter tomorrow. Shari’s belief in me has helped me find internal strength that I never knew I had. I find myself a better person because of the instruction and confidence she has shown in me.”

Teirra Howe
Project Team Specialist, E-Rate Exchange, LLC 

“I was so grateful to have Shari’s support and guidance throughout our coaching process.  Our conversations allowed me to think about how I might handle a few difficult situations and to think through a reorganizing process.  Her empathetic ear and probing questions provided me with new insights and fresh perspective.  What an invaluable gift!”

Terry Martinez
Dean of Community Development, Columbia University

“Thank you Shari for your business and personal insights. You have a refreshing, contemporary view of women (and especially women in business) with the ‘old soul’ of someone who’s been in the world/business for a very long time. Your ideas have made me look at things in a very different light..”

Terre Slater
President, Empire Interpreting Service


“Shari has been an inspiration for me both personally and professionally. Not only has she shown me what it means to be a great leader, she has also helped guide me through tough situations that I have had to deal with. As a coach, an employer, and a role model, Shari motivates me to be the best I can be each and every day. I have never met anyone who can balance work and family quite like she can. She has a lot to offer in her role as an executive business coach, and I highly recommend her to anyone who has areas in their life they would like to strengthen or transform.”

Tiffany Flynn
DOSH Technology Partners, LLC